Royal Society University Blog

HTV or Pre-Printed Transfers

by LaDonna Bacon on Apr 27, 2023

HTV or Pre-Printed Transfers

Hello Maker,

I'm sure you have been seeing all the buzz about weeding ain't the business anymore, start your tee shirt business with $1 and etc. Well I'm here to tell you wedding ain't going no where and why you should embrace it and cash in on some major coins.

First, let me explain what Pre-Printed Transfers are. You can get your hands on pre-printed transfers in a number of ways; 1-you can create a design, upload it to your supplier, they print on a screen or film and ship to you 2-you can purchase already designed and printed transfers from a supplier. Example #1 you may have a set up fee and have a mininum number of prints to purchase. Then you have to approve and wait to have them shipped to you. Example #2 your supplier will already have designs created and printed. You can purchase from their catalog and they will ship directly to you.

What are the Pros to Pre-Printed Transfers? 

  • No cutting with a machine
  • No weeding
  • No cutting machine needed
  • Press in 7 to 15 seconds and done
  • Prices range from $4-$8 depending on size and specials)
  • Multiple colors in one design
  • Images, Photos and etc
  • Very vibrant when pressed on tees (light or dark)
  • Low start up cost (heat press or iron, tee and transfer)

What are the CONS to Pre-Printed Transfers?

  • You have to wait for your design to be shipped
  • Slower turnaround time from you to your customer
  • Your designs skills may not match what they require
  • Less profits (paying for set up fee, shipping and the design)
  • Limits customization offers to your customers
  • Quality of the products may not always be the best
  • In some cases, after 3 washes the color fades

 When is it best to use Pre-Printed Transfers?

My personal opinion is for you to use them for your business decals. Say if you want to include your branding on the inside collar of a tee shirt. I would purchase about 25 black decals and 25 white decals.

I would also use them if I have an order over 75 shirts and 2 or more colors.

You can use Pre-Printed Transfers if you are starting a tee shirt brand (having 2-3 slogan to sell directly to your customer in multiple sizes, styles and/or colors)

Why do I love HTV and weeding?

Well, I really DON'T love weeding lol but it relaxes me and allows me time to think about other things I need to accomplish. Plus I can put on a podcast or video and completely chill. I have a system set up so time goes by so fast for me. 

I've mastered the type of fonts I want to stay away from which saves me less time and less frustration when weeding. 

What are the PROS to weeding HTV?

  • Pricing; $4 or less per shirt
  • Flexibility in creating your designs
  • Easily create custom projects for your customers in 3 to 5 days
  • Mix and Match different types of HTV
  • Works on all types of fabrics
  • No additional fees or costs
  • Last wash after wash after wash (we recommend Siser HTV
What are the CONS to weeding HTV?
  • Weeding small letters can be tedious (nothing makes me more upset than losing the dot above the letter " i ")
  • You have to use a cutter (an additional $200+)
  • Can only press one color at a time
  • The process from cut, weed to press can take a minimum of 10 minutes (depends on design, design size and colors)

I prefer HTV because I can complete the project on my own time. I can service my last minute customers better. Weeding really doesn't bother me. It's a part of the process and I've really embraced it.

When you have a system in place your business can function like a well oiled machine. So you're not feeling rushed to complete an order which sometimes makes you feel like; I could have completed this faster if I didn't have to weed. Also investing in a good weeding tool is key. Our brand is good, Cricut and Siser both have great tools also. I keep at least 3 on hand at all times.

I hope this write up has been benefical to you. If you learned something or would like to offer up some feedback or even have a question or two, be sure to comment below. We would love to hear from you!

Until next time; I hope that I have inspired you to go out and inspire someone else! 

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